Sunday, July 6, 2014

Orval Dallas Champion of the Weak by Dallas Max Schneider

Orval Dallas Champion of the Weak by Dallas Max Schneider
Orval Dallas had friends in Burley, both girls and boys. They associated as a group rather than dating one another. Among that group was a shy girl who had terribly bucked teeth and one of the boys liked to make fun of her. He was a bully type of boy who ridiculed anyone who had abnormalities about themselves. 

One evening this heartless boy was so derisive and jeering of this poor girls teeth that she started to cry. Most of the boys were embarrassed but said nothing. Then from the crowd, up stepped, bold, brave, Orval Dallas to confront this calloused boy. The boy was large and ugly himself. Orval said, "You make fun of everyone, don't you?"

"What if! do? Who is going to stop me?"

"I guess you would make jokes about my sister?"

"If she had funny teeth, you bet I would," and he gave Orval a shove.  The gauntlet had been thrown down and a challenge made. Orval Dallas had a mercurial temper that was well backed up with a fighting courage that was nothing short of heroic. He never looked for a fight but when pushed-there he was-pugnacious, like a lion-unafraid and equal to the task.

The taller, bigger boy rushed at him and young Orval stepped to one side and hit him hard in the stomach-just below the solar plexus. It doubled his attacker up so he could not defend himself and Orval hit him at his pleasure until he knocked him down. The mocking boy laid on the floor with a hand over his bloody mouth and said, "I quit," and that was

Orval Dallas's baptism of fighting with someone other than his bigger brother Les.

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