Memories of my Dad by Kristen Schneider Moh
Memorial Service 3-12-11
When I was growing up, I loved going to Jack in the Box with my dad. As we’d go thru the drive thru, he would delight in confusing the attendant by ordering outlandish foods like gofer loaf and avocado milkshakes. As he ordered these foods that were obviously not on the menu, our whole family tried to stifle uncontrolled giggles.
I don’t think my dad ever tired of this joke because he did it over and over again.
Another memory I had was when I was 10. Our family went snowmobiling. My sister Paula and I, being inexperienced drivers, eventually crashed. The motor wouldn’t start. We tried pulling the snowmobile out of the bank of snow… but we were definitely stuck! We called for help but no one answered..
After an hour of waiting, it was obvious that no one was going to come to our aid. We decided to say a prayer. No sooner did we open our eyes, when off in the distance, we saw the answer to our prayer…..It was our dad! With one super heave he dislodged the snowmobile from the snow bank and got the motor to start. I couldn’t believe how strong my dad was! To my child’s eye, he was like a super hero!
My dad continued to be a super dad his whole life.
About 10 years ago, I remember talking to my dad on the phone about some trouble I was having. I had hired a technician to fix my piano, but after months of trying, he just couldn’t seem to get it right. I was beginning to lose all hope that my piano would ever get fixed.
To my surprise, a few hours after talking to my dad, he showed up on my doorstep all dressed up in a nice suit and tie.
I said, “Dad, I didn’t know you were coming today.”
He responded, “I’ve come to give you a father’s blessing”
I couldn’t believe he had traveled almost 2 hours to give me a blessing…… just .because I was upset about my piano. Most people would consider my worries over my piano a trivial matter, but my Dad knew this was important to me.
I don’t know how many times I heard him say to family or friends,
” Call me any time you need a priesthood blessing. I don’t care if it is 2AM,…..I will come.”
My dad was the kind of man who was always there when needed.
I will always be grateful for a father who made me laugh and who was such an example of service.
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